The old playbooks don’t work anymore. 


"Inspirational" "Refreshing" "Authentic" "Powerful" "Unique perspective" "Counterintuitive" "Amazing" "Unlike anything else" 

Milena Regos transforms businesses and organizations through experiences that ignite new ways of thinking, being, and doing. She inspires leaders, teams, and stakeholders to co-create solutions for corporate cultures that overcome growth barriers, fostering a harmonious, joyful, and insightful work environment. Her work empowers every level of your organization with a genuine sense of possibility and progress.


Unhustle®: The New Path to Whole-Life Success


What You Will Discover:
  • Role of Rest and Recovery: Maintain high levels of performance, creativity, and innovation.
  • Achieving Professional Success: Balance personal health and happiness for a more fulfilling life.
  • Unhustle Mindset: Shift from hustle mentality to whole-life success.
  • Human-Centric Culture: Create a high-performing, engaged, and productive work environment.
  • Rebel Businesses: Attract the right people and opportunities for long-lasting success.

Who Is This For:
Corporate teams, executives, and managers in tech, marketing, HR, finance, healthcare, associations, and other high-stress industries.

Keynote Includes:
  • A Discovery Call
  • 30-90 minute live session
  • Unlimited seats
  • Q&A session
  • 30-day access to a recording of the experience

Investment: USD $10,000 
(plus travel expenses)

"I'll never forget the moment I realized that work had become toxic for my mental health. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was sitting in my psychiatrist's office, overwhelmed by the pressures of my career. My body was exhausted, my mind was foggy, and I knew something had to change. That pivotal moment led me to quit my job, start my own business, and eventually create the Unhustle® movement. Today, I help others avoid the same pitfalls and find a sustainable path to success that doesn't sacrifice real living and well-being. This keynote is not just about avoiding burnout; it's about thriving in both your personal and professional life."

Objective: Inspire and equip teams with the Unhustle® mindset and practical strategies for crafting success without sacrifices, personally and professionally.

In a world overwhelmed by burnout, stress, and disengagement, there's an urgent need for a revolutionary path forward. The Unhustle® philosophy empowers you to achieve relaxed success without sacrifices.

Milena Regos invites you on a transformative journey, merging modern science, ancient wisdom, and a decade of research, case studies, undeniable data, and personal experiments to discover your new way forward that feels more aligned, fulfilling, and joyful, and way less exhausting.


Custom workshops for companies aiming to foster a human-centric culture.

Engaging Delivery:
  • 45 min, half day, and full day options
  • Up to 300 seats
  • Personal story to create trust and allow for vulnerability
  • Breakout sessions with well-crafted questions
  • Interactive experiential learning exercises
  • Q&A session

Our workshops all include:

Follow-Up Support:
  • 30-day access to a recording of the experience
  • 30-day free support in the Unhustle Community Harmonia
  • Optional additional workshops and training
  • Optional follow-up group coaching

Free Consultation:
Initial consultation to understand your organization's specific needs and challenges.

Custom-Designed Workshop:
Tailored workshop designed to address identified challenges and provide practical solutions.

Inquire for pricing
explore topics below

Help your team rediscover vitality, improve performance, and foster a healthy, balanced work environment.

Who This Is For:
Executives, managers, and teams experiencing high stress and burnout.

"As a former award-winning marketer, I was no stranger to burnout. The relentless pace and high expectations had me running on fumes. It wasn't until I hit rock bottom that I realized the importance of rest and recovery. This workshop is designed to share the strategies that helped me and countless others regain energy, focus, and joy in our work."

You Will Learn:
  • Evidence-Based Model of Burnout: Understand why burnout has escalated and how to address it.
  • Debunk Burnout Myths: Unpack common myths about burnout.
  • Impact of Burnout: Discover how burnout affects engagement and productivity.
  • Foster Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Promote understanding and emotionally intelligent conversations around burnout.
  • New Ways of Living, Working, and Being: Learn a sustainable way forward, leading to employee satisfaction and organizational impact.
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, modern managers face unprecedented challenges that demand a new approach to leadership. Our Mindful Leadership for Modern Managers workshop is designed to equip leaders with the skills necessary to navigate these challenges with empathy, clarity, intuition, and resilience.

Who This Is For: Executives, managers, and team leaders who seek to improve their leadership skills, foster a supportive work culture, and drive sustainable performance within their organizations.
You Will Learn:
  • The Fundamentals of Mindful Leadership: Transform your management style and organizational culture.
  • Cultivating Emotional Intelligence: Improve team dynamics and foster a positive workplace environment.
  • Building Resilient Teams: Enhance team resilience to adapt to change and overcome challenges.
  • Enhancing Self-Awareness: Increase mindfulness in daily leadership practices.
  • Creating a Human-Centric Culture: Prioritize well-being, engagement, and collaboration.

"Early in my career, I believed that leadership meant being the first one in and the last one out. It took a near burnout experience for me to realize that true leadership is about empathy, mindfulness, and being present for my team. My mindfulness journey started with an 8-weeks mindfulness-based stress reduction training, and I lean into the practice on a daily basis. This workshop is about transforming your leadership approach to one that is sustainable and truly impactful."

Develop key EI skills, improve self-awareness, and enhance social interactions to create a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Who This Is For:
Professionals, managers, and team leaders who seek to enhance their emotional intelligence to improve workplace relationships, leadership effectiveness, and team dynamics.
You Will Learn:
  • The Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence: Understand core components including self-awareness and empathy.
  • Developing Self-Awareness: Recognize and understand your emotions and their impact.
  • Enhancing Social Skills: Improve communication, conflict resolution, and teamwork.
  • Practical Exercises for EI Improvement: Boost emotional intelligence through mindfulness practices and reflective journaling.
  • Creating an Emotionally Intelligent Culture: Foster higher engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.

"I used to think that emotional intelligence was just a buzzword until I saw firsthand how it transformed my interactions with my team. By understanding and managing my own emotions, I’m able show up fully and create a more empathetic and productive work environment. This workshop is about equipping you with those same skills."

Learn the science behind rest and its profound impact on performance and well-being. Incorporate practical techniques to integrate rest into daily routines.

Who This Is For: Professionals, managers, and teams who are looking to enhance their productivity and creativity by integrating effective rest strategies.
You Will Learn:
  • The Science of Rest: Understand the physiological and psychological benefits.
  • Techniques for Effective Recharging: Integrate rest and recharge into your daily routine.
  • Optimizing Work-Rest Cycles: Balance periods of intense work with adequate rest.
  • Creating a Rest-Friendly Culture: Foster a workplace culture that values and promotes regular rest.

"There was a time when I believed that working non-stop was the key to success. It wasn't until I embraced the power of rest that I realized how much more productive and creative I could be. This workshop shares the science and practical techniques that transformed my work life."

Equip employees with the skills and mindset needed to navigate change, overcome challenges, and maintain a positive outlook in the face of adversity.

Who This Is For: Professionals, managers, and teams who are looking to enhance their ability to cope with change, manage stress, and foster a growth mindset.
You Will Learn:
  • Resilience-Building Techniques: Enable quick recovery from setbacks and maintain focus.
  • Developing Adaptability Skills: Respond effectively to new challenges.
  • Effective Stress Management: Manage stress and maintain well-being during times of change.
  • Maintaining a Growth Mindset: Turn challenges into opportunities for learning and development.

"When my Mom passed away from cancer I leaned into work instead of giving myself time to grief. Change is the only constant yet we struggle to adapt. Over the years, and with the help of mindfulness and resilience training, I learned to thrive amidst uncertainty. This workshop provides the tools and mindset shifts that helped me succeed."

Flow states are transformative, offering significant boosts in productivity, learning, and creative problem-solving. Discover how to obliterate distractions and set clear, actionable goals both individually and as a team.

Who This Is For: Ambitious individuals and small to medium-sized businesses yearning for unparalleled performance without succumbing to burnout and disengagement.
You Will Learn:
  • Big Picture Perspective: Prioritize effectively amidst tight deadlines.
  • Eliminate Distractions: Minimize interruptions and maintain focus.
  • Boost Cognitive Performance: Silence mental chatter and elevate cognitive abilities.
  • Flow State Mastery: Enter and sustain flow states for enhanced productivity.
  • Rapid Recovery Techniques: Implement quick recovery strategies and scheduled breaks.

"I used to thrive on the adrenaline of constant hustle, but it left me exhausted and burnt out. Discovering the science of flow changed everything for me. Spending time on the ocean in flow leads to more flow at work. This workshop is designed to help you make that same shift, turning hustle into sustainable, peak performance while allowing yourself proper rest and recovery."

Equip participants with the tools to fortify their mental resilience, master stress, and foster a culture of openness and support.

Who This Is For: Teams and leaders committed to building resilience, effectively managing stress, and fostering a supportive, positive work culture.
You Will Learn:
  • Shared Success Mindset: Cultivate a unified mindset geared towards future success.
  • Strong, Resilient Teams: Develop robust teams capable of thriving under pressure.
  • Open Work Culture: Create a safe, comfortable, and open environment.
  • Enhanced Self-Leadership: Improve individual leadership skills.
  • Momentum Maintenance: Celebrate victories and sustain motivation.

"In the high-pressure world of business, mental resilience is crucial. I learned this the hard way during my 20+ years career in marketing, where stress was a constant companion. Add to it, the extra pressure of trying to prove myself as a female and a first-generation immigrant. This workshop shares the techniques that helped me build unshakeable resilience and can do the same for you."

Anna Blue, Chief Next Gen Officer at The Female Quotient:

"What Milena has created with Unhustle® is not only genius, it's incredibly needed in our fast-paced, overworked culture."

"We recently brought Milena in to host Unhustle workshops for hundreds of hotel industry leaders, and her workshops ended up being the highest-rated breakout sessions at the conference. I am excited to continue to work with Milena and champion the growth of the Unhustle movement!"


The Unhustle® Executive Transformation Experience

In the relentless pace of today’s corporate world, burnout is rampant, and productivity, well-being, and happiness are plummeting. The Unhustle Executive Transformation Experience is here to change that. Our program empowers leaders to manage stress, boost productivity, and create a thriving, balanced workplace.

By the end of our 8-week program, your team will:
  • Reduce Stress and Burnout: Feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle new challenges.
  • Enhance Focus and Creativity: Unlock new levels of innovation and efficiency.
  • Improve Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Skills: Lead with empathy and insight.
  • Achieve Greater Work-Life Balance: Enjoy a fulfilling life both at work and at home.
  • Boost Overall Well-Being and Productivity: See measurable improvements in performance.

Transform Your Leaders. Revitalize Your Team. Achieve Sustainable Success.

Why Choose Milena Regos / Unhustle®?
  • Proven Results: Significant reductions in turnover and absenteeism, alongside remarkable increases in productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • Customized Approach: Tailored to meet your specific needs and challenges.
  • Ongoing Support: Continuous support through our Harmonia Community and regular follow-ups to ensure lasting success.

"During my tenure as a marketing executive, I experienced firsthand the devastating effects of burnout. It drained my creativity and enthusiasm, impacting not only my performance and well-being but my team’s as well . This program is designed to prevent such scenarios, helping leaders foster a healthy, productive environment."

1:1 Training / 1:1 TRAINING / 1:1 TRAINING / 1:1 TRAINING / 

Custom Training & Packages: Unhustle® 1-on-1 for Business

Our Custom Training & Packages include strategic guidance, leadership development, business strategy, entrepreneurship support, marketing consultation, 360-degree CEO / Leadership Audit, enhanced team dynamics, well-being and productivity practices, and custom solutions directly with Milena Regos, founder of Unhustle®.

Starting at:
USD $25,000 for 3-month period
or $45,000 for 6-months

"As someone who transitioned from a high-stress corporate environment to an award-winning marketing strategist, to founding Unhustle, I understand the unique challenges leaders face in corporate and in the entrepreneurial world. Our custom packages are designed to provide the strategic guidance and support you need to transform your life and business and achieve sustainable success."

Companies We have worked with:

Julie Zhuo, Former VP Design at Facebook

"The message you're promoting with Unhustle is awesome!"

Adam Weber, SVP of Community at 15Five:

"Refreshing and genuine. We received rave reviews from all who attended and it was our highest attended session to date!"

Deni St Lawrence, Deputy Director of Operations | Women in Data: 

"Milena is an engaging, focused, and energetic speaker who consistently produces overwhelmingly positive feedback."

Jodi A.M. Herzik, Interim Vice Provost, University of Nevada Reno: 

"Your topic included so many valuable tools for coping with everything happening in the world today."

Amy McCarthy, Passionate Leader:

"Thank you Milena Regos for creating such an impact! Together we CAN create the change we want!"


Meet Our Unhustle Navigators™:

Isabel von Zastrow

Health & Life Coach and Flow Chaser

Merly Hartnett

Burnout Coach

Meredith Wilensky

Enneagram Facilitator

Sondra Norris

Change Management & Leadership Development

Keira Barr, MD

Nervous system & stress resilience coaching for high achieving midlife women

Kerry A. Bunker, PhD

Executive & Team Leadership Coaching; Leading with Authenticity

Ardeshir Mehran, Ph.D

Expert for Fast & Lasting Resolution of Depression & Anxiety for High Achievers 

Kimberly Berney-Brooke

Navigating Belongingness

Donna Star

Executive Coach

Kristen "Kiki" Wilkinson

Corporate Leadership Coach

Lurlean Hunt 

Strategic Advisor