BuilD without burnout


available now

90 min

$499 NOW $295

Who This Is For?

  • Leaders 
  • Business professionals 
  • Entrepreneurs & Founders 
  • Solopreneurs, freelancers, companies of one 
  • Tech executives, Marketing Professionals, Hospitality Leaders
  • People in high-stress jobs 

Milena Regos, Founder, Unhustle®


Neil Pompan, Corporate Director, HEI Hotels + Resorts

"I have attended a great many professional workshops over my 35-year career but none quite like Unhustle. Milena's demeanor and manner of delivery has a way of creating a very safe environment while exploring personal topics in a group of largely strangers. I found myself drawn to sharing things that one would normally keep private and in so doing found a new key in lessening daily, hidden, stress." 

The course takes a total of 90 minutes to watch and you will need to take a little bit of time to do the exercises. Each video is less than 10 min long so take it at your own pace.

Yes! You’ll be provided with username and password and can access the course right away upon purchase. It also comes with a mobile app so you can take it anywhere you go.

No. What you’ll learn in this course will help you prevent and minimize burnout. It will also assist with healing your burnout.

Absolutely! Just drop me a line to and we’ll discuss how to make it happen.



available now

90 min


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