
We get this all the time! First and foremost Unhustle is not anti-work. Work is noble, meaningful, and important part of someone’s life that can bring purpose, joy, and fulfillment. It also pays for tacos and salty margaritas. Although some days I’m totally happy off the grid, on an remote island somewhere off the coast of Baja, where there’s no WIFI, with hubby, friends, and the dog, on a paddleboard or snorkeling, most days, I spend a few focused hours on the Unhustle mission, working mindfully. Also, our rescue dog Taz gets mad at me if I'm still on the computer at 5pm and barks incessantly. So I shut the laptop and move to rest, recovery, talking, and cooking a nice meal before bed. 

But here’s the thing. The the age of AI, we can put the robots to work, while we get to be creative. 

I have to be honest. It’s work in progress. Just like you, I realized that I need friendly reminders, nudges, and support from a community of like - hearted people. That’s what we do at Unhustle. You can find friendly reminders on our Insta, business related news on LinkedIn and Twitter (or is it X?), and connect with other like-minded people in our community, Harmonia. And if you like to receive a weekly digest of all cool things we come up with and curate throughout the week, sign up for our awesome weekly Unhustle Digest, read in over 49 countries. 

Whole-life success is real living. It’s redefining and creating success on your terms, by prioritizing what matters most to you. It will look different to everyone but it’s a rebellion against the one-side version of success many of us pursue - putting career above all else. We believe (and science backs it up) that balanced, intentional, and happy life leads to more creativity, performance, and potential. We believe we can fit our work into our good life, not the other way around. We believe that in a world addicted to hustling, unhustling is a superpower and our birthright. 

It’s taken a few years to bring Unhustle® to life. Partly because I wanted to create it slowly and gently – as an Unhustled woman. Instead of economic growth, Unhustle® defines success as its capacity to share wisdom, true wealth and build a sustainable ecosystem. 

It took me a while to figure this. For me, it comes down to this: “To Live in a place I love, surrounded by people I love, doing things I love, contributing to the world in a meaningful way, while having a ton of fun. Living legendary and doing legendary work. It includes slow Unhustle mornings, some meditation and yoga, frequent wing-foing sessions on the ocean, bonfires, sunrises in bed, unscheduled time, mandatory hammock time, stargazing, beach walks, dinner parties, creative flow sessions, nature walks, and awe - inducing experiences. It doesn't happen every day but I’m here to enjoy the ride. Now that you know mine, what’s yours? 

I don’t consider myself a guru of anything. But often, I return to the ancient Eastern wisdom of Taoism. “Our root is quietude.” - Lao Tzu

Doing requires non-doing. Our Western addiction to achievements, fame, and materialism clouds our true power, authenticity, and potential. Our truth, creativity, and superpowers lie inside us but we forget to make time to tune in and listen. So, I decided to commit my life to this effort. 

But as far as credentials go I am a recovering work addict, 20+ years career in marketing, digital strategist, speaker, certified Human Potential and ICF coach, trained in mindfulness-based stress reduction, entrepreneur, a decade of CMO, a wife, friend, daughter, a rebel, born before technology took over our lives, and surrounded by smart people willing to help grow the Unhustle mission.
Our intention is to make The Unhustle® Philosophy available to everyone, regardless of financial circumstance. While we need to function as a business, we never want money to be the reason why someone can't benefit from what we've created. If you truly can't afford the cost of speaking, workshops, retreats, or coaching, or community, please get in touch.

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