We exist to dismantle the toxic Hustle Culture and champion a new paradigm of whole-life success, empowering individuals and organizations to truly thrive through real living and Human-Centric work culture.

We envision a world where individuals live fulfilling, calm, and joyful lives, and businesses evolve into conscious, compassionate, and productive work environments. By embracing a harmonious, meaningful, and intentional approach to living and working, we commit to building a future where success is measured by life satisfaction and real, sustainable growth for ourselves, our families, communities, businesses, and the planet.

Welcome to the Unhustle® Revolution.

At Unhustle®, we believe in transforming the way we live and work. In a world obsessed with relentless productivity, we champion a different way to think, live, work, and be—one where well-being, purpose, and growth go hand in hand. We empower individuals and organizations to thrive without sacrificing their health, happiness, and humanity for whole-life success.

Unhustle®: The Antidote to Hustle Culture for Sustainable Success:

 Unhustle® is more than a movement; it's a rebellion against the toxic hustle culture. We are redefining success through a countercultural lens—embracing real living with rest, relaxation, time in nanure, connection, play, and experiences. Our tried and tested "Unhustle Method" blends ancient wisdom with modern science to foster whole-life success.

We’re here to liberate high achievers from the shackles of hustle culture, inspiring them to live balanced, meaningful lives. Our mission is to touch 100 million lives, proving that success doesn't require sacrifice and that true productivity comes from a place of feeling good - mentally, physically, emotionally. 


These are the values that keep our internal/eternal flame alight:
  • Authenticity: We embrace our true selves and encourage others to do the same.
  • Courage: We courageously redefine success for real living and whole-life success.
  • Harmony: Balance may not always be present, but we believe in life-work harmony.
  • Playfulness: We infuse play and joy into our life and work.
  • Community: We foster connections and support networks that uplift and inspire.
  • Rest: It’s the secret to success.
  • Free-Spiritedness: Rebel is our middle name. We live legendary and do legendary work.
  • Creativity: It’s what keeps the world going forward.
  • Impact: We make a positive difference in the world through our actions and influence.
  • Wellbeing: It’s real wealth.

OUR Values 



We Believe:

The  Unhustle® Manifesto

  • In real living over hustling.
  • Enoughness is not measured by to-do lists.
  • In doing less in a world addicted to busyness.
  • Being true to our superpowers leads to soul-aligned success.
  • In life-work harmony over work-life balance.
  • Flow is better than hustle.
  • In face-to-face conversations.
  • Rest is the secret to real success.
  • In gratitude and presence.
  • Play is not just for kids.
  • Comparison is futile.
  • JOMO > FOMO.
  • Creativity rules the world.
  • Nature heals and wins over Instagram.
  • Slow and steady leads to health and happiness.
  • Progress over perfection.
  • In experiences over stuff.
  • In making a difference instead of seeking significance.
  • In doing what’s right for the planet.
  • Being human is awesome.

Milena Regos started Unhustle® with the mission to dismantle the toxic hustle culture and champion a new paradigm of whole-life success. We empower individuals and organizations to thrive through human-centric work and intentional living, ensuring that well-being and fulfillment are at the core of everything we do. Today, Unhustle is an ecosystem that teaches the art and science of unhustling to as many people in the world as possible.

What we do

  • Harmonia 12-weeks Leadership Coaching Program 
  • The Unhustle Academy
  • U-Fest Baja Retreat
  • Unhustle® 1-on-1

  • Keynotes and Workshops 
  • The Unhustle® Executive Transformation Experience 
  • Off-site Executive Retreats
  • Unhustle® 1-on-1

Here's how we do it:

"It’s time to design businesses that work for our lives, not lives that work for our businesses."

"The hustle porn industry has done more to hurt entrepreneurs than any other group in recent memory. Yes, hard work matters. But, success is about designing a legendary LIFE. Not becoming a slave to a business. Keep “hustling” and you’ll find yourself divorced, fat, and sick with kids who think you’re an asshole. It’s time to Unhustle. It’s time to design businesses that work for our lives, not lives that work for our businesses."

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"Unhustle to me means to always measure twice and cut once."

"It’s spending more time thinking about how you are working so you can spend less time working while accomplishing more. Leverage is everywhere, but you’ll miss it if you’re not looking. 99% of the population isn’t looking. It’s important right now because as humans we’ve never been more inundated with more things to do at the exact same time as we have nuclear weapons at the tips of our fingers compared with just a decade or two ago."

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"Unhustle means to pause – take time from the grind to reconsider priorities, what brings you happiness and joy."

"This is important as emotional and physical well-being are not a given – we abuse our minds and bodies, we flex them so much in pursuit of goals and targets. A lot of times we do it out of habit, the habit of hustling. In the future, I want to pause a bit more often and honestly answer – is this really worth it? To what end? And if it is not, then I hope to find the courage to let go."

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"Unhustle to me means to stop jumping every time society says when."

"We are a productivity and betterment focused world – and it’s actually not for the better! What’s important to me right now is realizing that I am where I am supposed to be. With my son and a focus on home and health and community. 2021 I would like to attempt to get back to some sort of creative flow. The blurred lines of time and space from the pandemic has made it hard for me to focus. I’d like more of that back :)"

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"To me, Unhustle means staying in tune with what feels good to me."

"Of course, I want to rise to challenges and break into new ground in my life and business, but I think doing those things should give me a thrill, rather than weigh me down and exhaust all my energy. I’ve realized it’s important to be intentional when it comes to simplifying my life and as we move into 2021, I want to make a more conscious effort to structure my time so I can make the most out of both work AND play."

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Lisa Furze, Brand Consultant & Designer

"Unhustle means slowing down and stepping back to reflect and be more present. To honor the day, I will probably be taking the day off!"

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Rebecca Zucker, Partner, Next Step Partners

"I want to learn to scale my business so I don’t have to work as much. 2020 has been empowering and a reminder to enjoy life because you never know what happens."

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Katja Presnal, Business and marketing strategist, Presnal5, Crush Movement Founder

"I plan to honor World Unhustle Day by taking a true pause to reflect and breathe.

"2020 challenged everyone emotionally, physically, and professionally. In all the frantic reactivity, many of us forgot to focus on those things that we can actually control; our own health, time priorities, and mental health. Owning our calendars and making conscious (sometimes courageous) choices about how we spend our time is the key to creating success both personally and professionally. Taking the time to understand what worked, what didn’t, and how I am going to make conscious choices in 2021 bearing in mind that honest assessment will allow me to grow and build myself and my business."

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Cindy Salomon, Founder & CEO, The Courageous Leadership Institute

"Unhustle means to break free from proving energy. It’s important because true wealth means living expansively. 

"2020 was a year where I did all the things and then burned out. I’m showing up differently in my relationship to work in 2021."

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Meredith Vaish, CEO Pause box

 In a world obsessed with busyness and chasing success at all costs, we end up burnt out, stressed out, and lonely. At Unhustle, my vision is to shift this paradigm. It’s about finding the sweet spot between doing and real living, embracing a lifestyle that balances life enjoyment with purposeful achievement. This is the future I’m creating with Unhustle—a sustainable, prosperous future for ourselves, our families, communities, teams, companies, and the planet.

I’ve spent the last ten+ years researching (and living) the Unhustled Life. After 23+ years of a successful marketing career (even working with Madonna), I pivoted my career to start the Unhustle Movement, stepping into a bigger purpose to guide busy professionals into intentional living. (I needed it myself.)

I have presented the Unhustle counterintuitive message to places like the World Economic Forum and won the People’s Choice Award at Wisdom2.0. I mentor C-Suites, leaders, and start-up founders from Techstars to Google and consult on workplace wellbeing and culture. I’m a certified Human Potential and ICF Coach trained in positive intelligence and mindfulness-based stress reduction. I live in Baja so I can wingfoil, kitesurf, and freedive and live a REAL LIFE with freedom, fulfillment, and flow. I want to help you create your dream life on your terms.

I’m also known for the popular Unhustle newsletter, which is sent out each week to thousands of subscribers in 49 countries. Fill out the form below to learn more and sign up. You can find me elsewhere on LinkedIn and Instagram.


Milena Regos is the visionary creator of the Unhustle philosophy, an international speaker, and a catalyst for change. She is on a mission to inspire millions to reject the false premise of Hustle Culture and embrace Whole-Life Success without sacrifices, while still achieving legendary work through human-centric practices. Milena has shared the transformative Unhustle message on global stages, including the World Economic Forum, Wisdom 2.0, and Fortune 500 companies. Her thought leadership has appeared in places like CNN Business, NPR, Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and numerous podcasts like Deloitte’s WorkWell. Her newsletter, a beacon of insight and inspiration, reaches a diverse audience in 49 countries.

Milena lives between Lake Tahoe and Baja, with her Australian husband, and rescue Mexican dog, chasing time in nature and flow on, under, or in the ocean wing-foiling, free diving, biking, and paddle boarding while working on her book.

Media-approved bio and Photos:

Hi! I'm Milena Regos, the Human behind Unhustle.


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