BuilD without burnout


available now

90 min

$499 NOW $295

About this course:

You set out on a professional career. One you love. 
But along the way, you begin to lose your mojo. It happens so gradually that you don’t notice. 

The symptoms are there but you’re too busy to pay any attention. Until, one day, it’s too late. 

It doesn't have to be that way.

  • You can do what you love without burning out.
  • When you learn how to prevent and minimize burnout, you can do what you love longer.
  • You can make a bigger impact.
  • You can make more money.
  • You can have more joy along the way. 

This is where this course comes in. 
Build Without Burnout and get ahead without sacrificing your well-being. 

What Will I Learn?

  • Debunk the myth that hustle leads to success. 
  • Protect your ambition, effectiveness, and sense of worth. 
  • Understand what burnout is and isn’t and identity burnout with the 13 warning signs. 
  • Measure your level of burnout and see where you stand. 
  • Minimize and manage your stress. Learn what’s working and what isn’t. 
  • Become more resilient with the 7 habits of emotionally resilient people. 
  • Create better work-life balance. 
  • Create a healthier work culture and supportive environment. 
  • Gain clarity on your values and create your personal guidelines with the Unhustle Rebel Manifesto. 
  • Doing less leads to so much more - clarity, creativity, well-being, performance, growth. 
  • A different way to live and work inspired by the Unhustle Method.

Who This Is For?

  • Leaders 
  • Business professionals 
  • Entrepreneurs & Founders 
  • Solopreneurs, freelancers, companies of one 
  • Tech executives, Marketing Professionals, Hospitality Leaders
  • People in high-stress jobs 

course outline

Module 1

Understanding Burnout

Module 2

Evidence-Based Stress Management Techniques

Module 3

Building Emotional Resilience

Module 4

Effective Leadership Strategies to Creating a Supportive Environment

Module 5

Write Your Unhustle Rebel Manifesto to use a North Star moving forward


"What Milena has created with Unhustle is not only genius, it's incredibly needed in our fast-paced, overworked culture."



In a world of busyness and chaos, we end up burnt out, overwhelmed, and stuck in the daily grind. Milena Regos’s mission with Unhustle® is to shift this paradigm and restore balance. One human story at a time. 

After 23+ years of a successful marketing career (even working with Madonna), she pivoted her career to start the Unhustle Movement, stepping into her purpose to guide high achievers into intentional, meaningful, and balanced living while doing what they love. (She needed it herself.)

She has spent the last ten years researching (and living) the Unhustled Life. 
She presented the Unhustle counterintuitive message to the World Economic Forum and won the People’s Choice Award at Wisdom2.0. She mentors C-Suites, leaders, and start-up founders from Techstars to Google and consults on workplace wellbeing and culture.

Milena is a certified Human Potential and ICF Coach trained in positive intelligence and mindfulness-based stress reduction. She lives between Lake Tahoe and Baja so she can wingfoil, mountain bike, freedive and live a REAL LIFE. 
She wants to help you live and work differently so you can achieve success without sacrifices. 

Milena Regos, Founder, Unhustle®


Supporting Materials

A course workbook (playbook) to follow along and do all exercises.

Global Community

Access to a global community of like-minded people, rebels, and legends.

Lifetime Access to Course 

Access anytime and get any additional updates to course.

Neil Pompan, Corporate Director, HEI Hotels + Resorts

"I have attended a great many professional workshops over my 35-year career but none quite like Unhustle. Milena's demeanor and manner of delivery has a way of creating a very safe environment while exploring personal topics in a group of largely strangers. I found myself drawn to sharing things that one would normally keep private and in so doing found a new key in lessening daily, hidden, stress." 

The course takes a total of 90 minutes to watch and you will need to take a little bit of time to do the exercises. Each video is less than 10 min long so take it at your own pace.

Yes! You’ll be provided with username and password and can access the course right away upon purchase. It also comes with a mobile app so you can take it anywhere you go.

No. What you’ll learn in this course will help you prevent and minimize burnout. It will also assist with healing your burnout.

Absolutely! Just drop me a line to and we’ll discuss how to make it happen.

30 Day Guarantee

If for some reason, you’re not satisfied with the course, just drop us a line and we’ll issue you a refund right away. No questions asked.



available now

90 min

You set out on a professional career. One you love. 
But along the way, you begin to lose your mojo. It happens so gradually that you don’t notice. 

The symptoms are there but you’re too busy to pay any attention. Until, one day, it’s too late. 

It doesn't have to be that way.

  • You can do what you love without burning out.
  • When you learn how to prevent and minimize burnout, you can do what you love longer.
  • You can make a bigger impact.
  • You can make more money.
  • You can have more joy along the way. 

This is where this course comes in. 
Build Without Burnout and get ahead without sacrificing your well-being.