
A blog by unhustle®

Unhustle for Productivity

How Taking Time To Be Unproductive Can Improve Long-Term Productivity

Milena Regos

In a world obsessed with busyness and chasing success at all costs, we end up burnt out, stressed out, and lonely. At Unhustle, my vision is to shift this paradigm. It’s about finding the sweet spot between doing and real living, embracing a lifestyle that balances life enjoyment with purposeful achievement. This is the future I’m creating with Unhustle—a sustainable, prosperous future for ourselves, our families, communities, teams, companies, and the planet.

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Hi! I'm Milena Regos, the Human behind Unhustle®.



    Reading Time: 2 minutes

    These days it seems as if humans are being driven to be productive 24/7. Books are being written and apps are being developed to help us fit everything we need to do in a day. However, the constant itch to make sure we’re productive every waking moment can be detrimental. Moreover, it may even impact productivity in the long run. Advertising officer Peter Kozodoy discussed how being too productive affected his health and his overall performance. He noted that even when on vacation it took him 5-days to “decompress and start to even be present.”

    As a result of being over productive, many people feel anxious or depressed when they aren’t busy, leading to a host of mental health issues. This has led to studies being conducted on work productivity, with Maryville University explaining that psychologists are finding correlations between business objectives and employee behavior. Safeguarding our mental health is an important factor in being a successful professional who can learn quickly and adapt to challenges. Thus, it’s important to recognize the importance of ‘unproductive breaks’ to keep us mentally healthy and help us achieve long-term productivity.

    Mornings off

    When we wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing we do? Most of us will reach for our phones. When this happens, we’re immediately bombarded with notifications trying to grab our attention and rush us through our morning checklist. As a result, we get to the office feeling tired and worn out even before the workday has started.

    An Unhustle Morning takes an alternative approach to waking up by unplugging and remaining unproductive. The practice prioritizes our mind and body in order to make the most of the day. It involves waking up naturally, focusing on our breathing, going outside for a walk, doing some yoga or a HIIT workout, journaling, meditating and practicing gratitude. After a high performance drink and a quick shower, you’re feeling calm and energized enough to take on the workday. While it seems like a lot to pack into one morning, it’s surprisingly manageable given that you aren’t distracting yourself by looking at your phone and you stack the benefits of the practices.

    Mid-work mental breaks

    During times when mental fatigue settles in at work, it’s important to recognize these as signals to give your mind a rest. Entrepreneur reminds us that taking regular mental breaks can give you that burst of inspiration and creativity your brain needs. You can do this by stretching, going out for a walk, or sitting outside. Find time during your busy workday to schedule some time to do nothing for half an hour or so. It’ll benefit your mental health, and you’ll come back to the office with a boost in motivation.


    Taking regular time off from work has proven to improve our well-being and happiness. Multiple studies discussed on Psychology Today show how vacations help to relieve stress, improve our mood, and can even promote better health. They help us take a step back from our work life and check up on ourselves. What’s great about vacations is that the positive results can last for up to two months, which means you’ll be coming back to work refreshed and energized for quite a while after your holiday. It’s important to remember though that to truly reap the benefits of a vacation, you have to unplug yourself from your work life. It’s best to avoid answering e-mails or checking your work phone as much as possible.

    Written solely for

    Written by Harper Gabriel – Guest Writer

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