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Unhustle for Productivity

My Bullet Journal Helps me Improve My Focus

Milena Regos

In a world obsessed with busyness and chasing success at all costs, we end up burnt out, stressed out, and lonely. At Unhustle, my vision is to shift this paradigm. It’s about finding the sweet spot between doing and real living, embracing a lifestyle that balances life enjoyment with purposeful achievement. This is the future I’m creating with Unhustle—a sustainable, prosperous future for ourselves, our families, communities, teams, companies, and the planet.

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Hi! I'm Milena Regos, the Human behind Unhustle®.



    Reading Time: 3 minutes

    Keeping a Daily Journal Can Improve Your Focus

    Buried in endless to-do lists, project management systems, countless emails and messages with your team? Working long hours but feel like you are not accomplishing anything? Or perhaps your company has grown so big that you are no longer connected to your WHY. Ahh, yes, too much to and not enough time.

    There are so many apps, websites and project management tools in the marketplace today promising you to manage your time better, communicate with your team faster, prioritize your projects, and get your out of your inbox. Some are free, others cost thousands of dollars. Don’t get me wrong. Some of these apps and software systems have their advantages.

    Who Doesn’t Want to Work Less and Live More?

    Being able to see the big picture at all times is critical for the success of any venture. When you want to make sure you are on track with your most important projects, and not wasting your time, the Unhustle solution is going analog. It helps you gain clarity about your priorities. At Unhustle, we like to work less and have more time for living. To accomplish this, I chose to use an analog system and it proved to work really well for me.

    Using the 80/20 Rule at Work

    I choose to go analog, to do more with less, and maintain the 80/20 rule in my work, where I focus on the 20% of the projects that create 80% of the results. I maintain a journal for my annual and monthly goals, weekly and daily projects, notes, meetings, brainstorm sessions, and idea creation. But it’s not your typical journal.

    A System I love: The Bullet Journal helps me improve my focus on a monthly, weekly and daily basis

    I use the Bullet Journal. Is this another bulletproof hack you may ask? No, this is called the Bullet Journal. Ryder Carroll created the Bullet system to help him manage his own time. Since Ryder suffered from ADHD he needed a good system to keep him on track. This system turned into The Bullet Journal and is being widely popular.

    Track the past, organize the present and plan for the future with the Bullet Journal. Watch the video where Ryder himself explains his system:

    Before you start thinking that know you need to learn yet another system, let me explain. His system is pretty simple and completely customizable to your needs. I’ve only taken a few things from it that work for me. What I like about doing the Bullet Journal is the actual action of sitting down every morning and every end of the day and taking time to focus. This is the key to success in my opinion. Taking the time to get clarity and focus on what’s most important for your business.

    My Unhustle Journal system:

    – I create a monthly plan at the beginning of each month and I review the past month to see what needs to be carried over. During this process, I evaluate what no longer seems to be a priority. I eliminate everything that is no longer important.

    – I create weekly projects, ideally on Friday afternoon, sometimes on Monday mornings

    – Each day, I put down 1 – 3 projects to work on that day

    Why Keeping a Journal Helps You Improve Your Focus

    This mindful time allows me to be strategic and pinpoint the minimum amount of work I can do to have the biggest impact on my business. I use the Bullet Journal for idea creations, note-taking, and brainstorm sessions. For me, the actual magic in owning a Bullet Journal is having the index at the beginning of the journal. Since the pages are numbered, with the help of an index, I can find a project, brainstorm session or a specific day. This has been a game-changer. I find the Bullet Journal to outperform every other method I’ve used in the past like Evernote, Notes, Asana, reminders. It gets me out of computers and screens and allows me to focus better on the most important projects for the day, month and year.

    Give the Bullet Journal a try and see if it helps you create more clarity and improve your focus.

    Sign up for more tips from Unhustle to help you challenge Hustle Culture and design a life based on simplicity, wellbeing, joy and purpose.

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