“From my own experience, being rushed creates stress and anxiety and results in poor focus, low productivity and decrease in health and happiness. It definitely happened to me when I had my digital marketing agency. My health deteriorated, my exercise routine suffered, the quality of my work suffered and my relationships with people and my husband took a downward turn. Bringing balance back in my life with a morning routine, mindfulness practice, regular exercise, time in nature, setting up technology boundaries and in general slowing things down is what turned my life around.”
I had the pleasure to be interviewed by Ashley Graber, Motivational Speaker, Psychotherapist, & Mindfulness Educator for her series on “How to Slow Down to Do More” in Thrive Global and Authority Magazine. You can read the interview here or on Thrive Global or Authority Magazine.
AG: Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us the “backstory” about what brought you to this specific career path?
MR: Upon graduating from the American University in Bulgaria, I began work for the largest advertising agency in Bulgaria with international clients like Pepsi. I then decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in International Marketing in San Diego and came to the US in 1996. Along the way, I discovered Lake Tahoe and as a ski racer from my childhood was immediately drawn to the mountains. I’ve lived in Lake Tahoe since 1998. I now split the year and my passion for the outdoors between Lake Tahoe and Baja California Sur. While in Lake Tahoe, I worked for a media agency during the dot com era where I formed the Internet division of the agency. I spent a decade as the Marketing Director for Diamond Peak Ski Resort in Incline Village, prior to setting up my own award-winning digital marketing agency, Out&About Marketing. The agency’s clients included Madonna’s Hard Candy Fitness, Steve Nash Fitness World, UFC Gym, Squaw Valley, 1–800-Flowers, Dr. Weil and more. But success wasn’t enough. I came to realize that spending too much time in front of a computer screen had an effect on my own mental clarity, overall wellbeing and happiness. This is when, my husband and I decided to change our life and start spending the winters in Baja, living and working remotely from our airstream. I discovered Human Potential Coaching through the Human Potential Institute / Bulletproof Institute. Together with my husband, we decided to launch the Unhustle™ lifestyle movement and retreats, appealing to entrepreneurs and busy professionals who need to slow life down, claim back some of their time, invest in mindbody wellbeing, digital detox, time in nature, proper nutrition and exercise.
AG: According to a 2006 Pew Research Report report, 26% of women and 21% of men feel that they are “always rushed”. Has it always been this way? Can you give a few reasons regarding what you think causes this prevalent feeling of being rushed?
MR: Technology and social media have changed the way people go through their days and have had a profound effect on our society. We are constantly bombarded with information, notifications, messages, emails. We are always connected to a stream of information and our brains are working hard to process it all. Companies are creating and pushing out more and more content online and advertising is getting more and more targeted. People are turning into walking machines, zombie like with a phone attachment, constantly connected, always on, always scrolling. There’s a trend in the US to achieve more, buy more, do more, stay busy, sleep less, hustle more. The advice of hustling has taken over our society with a storm, especially in the U.S. It’s time to pause, breathe and reflect on what is really important in life. It’s time to gain back our time, our clarity, invest more in self care. Entrepreneurs and businessmen (women) and people in general can benefit from investing time in their own wellbeing and happiness. This can be achieved by slowing life down, taking time away from technology, spending time in nature, being more in our bodies and less in our minds, eating well, sleeping enough, being present, eating mindfully. With Unhustle, we are on a mission to change people’s mindsets, shift their perspectives and change lives.
AG: Based on your experience or research can you explain why being rushed can harm our productivity, health, and happiness?
MR: From my own experience, being rushed creates stress and anxiety and results in poor focus, low productivity and decrease in health and happiness. It definitely happened to me when I had my digital marketing agency. My health deteriorated, my exercise routine suffered, the quality of my work suffered and my relationships with people and my husband took a downward turn. Bringing balance back in my life with a morning routine, mindfulness practice, regular exercise, time in nature, setting up technology boundaries and in general slowing things down is what turned my life around.
Rushing causes stress. Research from the American Institute of Stress reports that American are working longer and harder than ever. Americans are working on average 47 hours/week and 20% of the population is working 49 hours/week. This is more than any other industrial nation where the trend has been the opposite. We are also working harder. In a 2001 survey, nearly 40% of workers described their office environment as “most like a real life survivor program.”
The Mayo clinic states that stress leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. When one experiences anxiety and feeling overwhelmed it’s hard to feel happy. Poor sleep, digestive disorders, lack of motivation and focus are all results of too much stress and feeling rushed all the time. A Harvard Study states that being overworked can cause an early death. I know I had elevated stress hormones, elevated thyroid, digestive problems, poor sleep, irritability, anger, and feelings of overwhelmed when I was under long periods of stress.
AG: On the flip side, can you give examples of how we can do more, and how our lives would improve if we could slow down?
MR: When we take time to slow down we can focus on the one thing we are doing, in this very moment. When we are completely engaged in this one thing, we enter into a state of flow. In this state of flow is where creativity and productivity increases and satisfaction with one’s work goes up. Musicians and artists get into this state of flow easily when they compose music or paint. They are engaged, present, in the moment. Without the distractions and the rush, our stress levels go down and we become more attuned with our bodies and our surroundings. Only then we are able to tap into the intelligence of our bodies and listen to our intuition. Slowing down in work is one thing but we can also slow down our mornings, slow down when eating, even slow down when exercising, slow down when cooking. When we slow down, we are better able to establish our priorities, see the big picture and have a clear idea of what to do next.
AG: We all live in a world with many deadlines and incessant demands for our time and attention. That inevitably makes us feel rushed. Can you share with our readers 6 strategies that you use to “slow down to do more”? Can you please give a story or example for each?
MR: I have a plan for slowing down and what I call “unhustling.” These tips are easy for everyone to implement right away.
AG: How do you define “mindfulness”? Can you give an example or story?
MR: I’m trained by the Human Potential Institute where we engaged in a 8 week mindfulness program deeply rooted in the MBSR technique established by Jon Kabat Zinn. According to this training, mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way on purpose, in the present moment non judgmentally. My first experience with mindfulness was when I decided to learn to kiteboard in Baja California Sur. In a moment when I felt pushed to the edge, physically and emotionally, I realized that I had to be completely present. It was an eye opening experience and my first introduction to mindfulness. Still to this day, when I go out in the ocean with a kite I’m reminded of my first mindfulness experience. For me yoga also gives me an opportunity to be mindful. Nowadays, I’m mindful when talking with people, eating, showering, working, cleaning, walking.
AG: Can you give examples of how people can integrate mindfulness into their everyday lives?
MR: Mindfulness is savoring the present moment. To experience mindfulness into our everyday lives, we can connect more with our bodies. In Western society, we spend too much time in our heads and not enough in our bodies. Self care practices are another way to incorporate mindfulness into our lives. We all have an inner self critic. Our minds control us without us realizing it. Bringing mindfulness to our thinking allows us to experience greater freedom. Being able to be kinder to ourselves is a mindfulness practice as well. Mindful listening and communication with people throughout the day is an important component of mindful living. Cultivating resilience to deal with everyday stress is also a mindfulness practice.
AG: Do you have any mindfulness tools that you find most helpful at work?
MR: My friend Pierre Khawand has developed a mindfulness app for work called Hello Mindful App. It allows you to capture thoughts and get back to the task at hand. In the app you can also set a 15 min period of focus without any emails and notification distractions and then take a break so you can stay focused on your project.
AG: What are your favorite books, podcasts, or resources that inspire you to use mindfulness tools or practices?
“You Are Here” — Thich Nhat Hanh, Discovering the magic of the present moment
“Bliss More” — Light Watkins offers a good introduction to meditation. He also sends out a daily email.
Soundstrue — 7 weeks long mindfulness online program with Jack Kornfeld and Tara Brach
1440 Multiversity — Various programs and classes in Santa Cruz
Tara Brach
Zen Habits by Leo Babauta is an excellent website and daily blog
Mindful Living Retreat by my own company Unhustle™. We’ll plan to offer this 7 day retreat every year in Baja California Sur in the small town of La Ventana to introduce people to how to live a mindful life.
AG: Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
MR: Richard Branson is my favorite business person. He says: “I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.” I’m a firm believer in this philosophy and have been lucky to incorporate it in my own life. Living between Lake Tahoe and Baja, being close to the outdoors and nature, doing activities that bring me joy while having meaningful work brings me a lot of satisfaction and happiness.
AG: You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. ?
MR: I’m working on inspiring people to Unhustle. If I can get people to Unhustle a little bit each day or take a few days to slow down and reset, I’ll be happy.
About the Ashley Graber:
After 15 years working in Commercial Real Estate in New York City, Ashley Graber changed the coast she lived on and the direction of her life from Real Estate to the worlds of Psychology and Meditation & Mindfulness. Ashley came to these practices after getting sober and in the decade plus since, she now runs a busy mindfulness based psychotherapy practice at Yale Street Therapy in Santa Monica, CA where she see adults and children and speaks on the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices.
Ashley is an Owner and Director of Curriculum for the next generation meditation app & mindfulness company ‘Evenflow’ and launched the company’s one to one online mindfulness mentoring program. Ashley also educates teachers and administrators in schools and presents in businesses across Santa Monica and Los Angeles.
Ashley was trained in Meditation and Mindfulness practices by prominent teachers; Elisha Goldstein, Richard Burr and Guiding teacher at Against the Stream Boston, Chris Crotty. Her Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) certification was done through The Center for Mindfulness at UC San Diego. Additionally, Ashley is trained by Mindful Schools to teach Meditation and Mindfulness practices to children and families. Ashley’s unique combination of psychotherapy, trauma reprocessing and meditation and mindfulness practices make her a sought after therapist and mindfulness educator and speaker. Her passion for the benefits of mindfulness practices as well as her enthusiasm for helping young kids and adults is the drive to teach these very necessary, life long skills and why she wrote and runs the Mindfulness for Families program at The Center for Mindful Living. This is where she teaches groups of families with children ages 6–12. Ashley was featured on Good Morning LaLa Land, presented on Resilience at the renowned Wisdom. 2.0 Mindfulness & Technology conference, and presented at the TED Woman conference offering an in-depth look at the profound psychological and physiological consequences of chronic stress, and how meditation and mindfulness practices can alleviate these effects.
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