We get taught to hustle so that one day, we have freedom.
Unfortunately, we end up overworked, exhausted, and on a treadmill that doesn’t end. We get stuck in hustle mode.
The opposite approach works better.
Mastering leisure unlocks freedom.
Let me explain.
When asked what they want, most entrepreneurs say Freedom.
You sacrifice your leisure for work so that one day you can have that coveted freedom.
What if instead, you allow yourself to have more leisure now?
The word “leisure” originates from the Old French licence “freedom, liberty, power, possibility; permission.”
The Greek word for leisure is “σχολή”. This is the origin of the Latin for school (“scola”). To the Greek mind, the primary function of leisure was not necessarily to rest, but to expand ones awareness and understanding of the world.
“Increase of leisure, diminution of hustle are the ends to be sought.”
Give yourself permission to have more leisure and you’ll have more freedom.
You don’t have to wait for “someday”.
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