
A blog by unhustle®

Unhustle for Work-Life Balance

Milena Regos Co-Founder of Unhustle™ Interview in IdeaMensch

Milena Regos

In a world obsessed with busyness and chasing success at all costs, we end up burnt out, stressed out, and lonely. At Unhustle, my vision is to shift this paradigm. It’s about finding the sweet spot between doing and real living, embracing a lifestyle that balances life enjoyment with purposeful achievement. This is the future I’m creating with Unhustle—a sustainable, prosperous future for ourselves, our families, communities, teams, companies, and the planet.

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For Humans

For Business

Hi! I'm Milena Regos, the Human behind Unhustle®.



    Reading Time: 7 minutes

    An interview with IdeaMensch on being an entrepreneur, the Unhustle movement, staying productive and motivated, trends, habits, business advice and the one thing no one else agrees on.

    “Being yourself and being in the present moment is more important than constantly hustling to be someone else or trying to accomplish something that may not be what you really need to be complete and happy.”

    Read the interview on IdeaMensch.

    IdeaMensch: Milena Regos is an entrepreneur by heart. She started her first business at the age of 17 in post communist Bulgaria – a windsurf rental and lessons on the beach at the Black Sea. After completing her BA from the American University in Bulgaria, she pursued an MBA in Marketing in the USA. As a former ski racer, she was drawn to the mountains of Lake Tahoe, nature, and the mountain people and has lived there since 1996. Her and her husband now split their time between Lake Tahoe and Baja California Sur so they can stay close to nature, the fresh air, and enjoy various outdoor activities. An award-winning digital marketer for over 20 years, Milena worked with national and international clients in the travel and tourism, outdoor and recreation industries with her digital marketing agency Out&About Marketing which is now under her own name, Milena Regos LLC. Getting burnt out on the constant technology demands, her and her husband are now in the process of starting their new business, Unhustle™ – a lifestyle design, programs and transformational retreats focused on executives and entrepreneurs who need to unhustle and invest more time in digital detox, optimal living and mindbody wellbeing. Milena is also a transformational lifestyle coach and biohacker and plans to incorporate transformational coaching into the Unhustle programs. Milena still works as a freelance digital marketer with select clients on strategy, content marketing, influencer outreach and analytics. She considers herself a digital nomad and works from where ever she can find Internet connection, including isolated islands in the Sea of Cortez.

    IdeaMensch: Where did the idea for your company come from?

    Milena Regos: The idea for Unhustle™ came to me on an early morning beach walk in La Ventana. Being an entrepreneur myself, I came to realize that life is more than hustling Every.Single.Day. During a 10 day trip to La Ventana, my husband and I decided to learn to kite. I was scared but curious. While connected to a kite, struggling to stay afloat (they call it bodydragging and it’s actually fun), I had my Aha moment. The entire world around me came to a screeching stop. Everything became very quiet. I noticed the sun glistening on the water. I smelled the ocean. I felt my body floating effortlessly in the water. I was alive. Breathing. Peaceful. Smiling. Happy. Completely in a flow, I screamed out of the top of my lungs. This moment, I decided to change my life. We now spend the winters in La Ventana, enjoying the simple life, living in an airstream, waking up stoked every day, and yes still kiting (and still scared).

    Now, we want to bring more people with us to experience their own transformation through digital detox, connection with nature, connection with their bodies and their higher selves, mindbody wellbeing and discovering their full human potentials. With Unhustle, people can find their aha moment, find quiet in this world of information overload and busyness, slow life down, focus on what’s important in life, make changes to their life and business and simply RESET, UNHUSTLE™ and find HAPPINESS.

    IdeaMensh: What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

    Milena Regos: I normally wake up between 5am and 6am and find time for stillness in the morning with my mindfulness practice. After that, I do yoga and incorporate some movement. It may be a walk with the dog in the mountains or on the beach, a HIIT workout, TRX session, bike ride. I don’t touch my phone until I’m through my morning routine as I don’t want to clutter my mind. I enjoy bulletproof coffee in the morning which allows me to stay clear and focused and productive in the morning. I work in bursts and take short breaks in between projects, which could be a short walk, a few squats, push ups, a sprint, or some breathing. If I find myself stressed, I find a quiet place and do some deep breathing. This normally calms me down. I work limited hours in a day to leave time in the afternoon for kite sessions and life and I focus on the most important projects for that day. Everything else that comes to mind gets recorded on my computer or journal to be addressed later. I don’t have any notifications on my phone and check emails only 2-3 times throughout the day. I’m fully aware what technology distractions can do to a planned day and my brain. I’m not perfect by any means but I’m aware of it and that’s half of the battle. Through my Human Potential Coaching program I have learned a lot about how to optimize my own biology and mental state of mind. Now work with entrepreneurs and leaders on how they can optimize their own mind, body and spirit to become more productive and happier.

    IdeaMensch: How do you bring ideas to life?

    Milena Regos: My best ideas are born when I’m out in nature, doing something physical, being in my own body, or on the ocean or in the mountains. It’s really important to me to spend time in nature and this drives me to get focused when I work. When I have a good idea, I like to record it in my journal and revisit it in a few days to see if it still has the excitement from the first day and it makes sense to pursue further.

    IdeaMensch: What’s one trend that excites you?

    Milena Regos: Americans are hustling. Entrepreneurs and business leaders are hustling. Our society moves at a very high pace and life only seems to be getting faster and faster with technology and information overload. I think of hustling as detrimental to mental and overall wellbeing. I want people to take a stand against the Hustle advice and Unhustle in order to live a more fulfilling life, one filled with purpose, wellbeing and happiness. Getting people to Unhustle and changing people’s lives through the Unhustle lifestyle movement and retreats, is my mission in life and the purpose for our brand new company Unhustle™.

    IdeaMensch: What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?

    Milena Regos: Having a consistent mindfulness practice is key to keeping a clear focus, creativity and ability to deal with stressful situations. Mindfulness has made me a better listener and improved my health. Taking mindfulness breaks throughout the day and digital detox breaks each week keeps my brain clear, balanced and creative.

    IdeaMensch: What advice would you give your younger self?

    Milena Regos: Be yourself. I’m a type A personality, very driven to achieve success. I realize now that being yourself and being in the present moment is more important than constantly hustling to be someone else or trying to accomplish something that may not be what you really need to be complete and happy.

    IdeaMensch: Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.

    Milena Regos: Social media is free. OK, maybe people are starting to realize that it’s not free by now but at the beginning everyone thought it was free. Your time is not free.

    IdeaMensch: As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?

    Milena Regos: Taking care of my own mental and physical wellbeing. Taking care of yourself is the biggest one thing I do and the one thing I recommend every entrepreneur needs to do. Without feeling good and being healthy it’s hard to grow a business, be a parent, a wife, a daughter, a productive employee. It’s like being on an airplane where they say, put your oxygen mask first before assisting other people. Mindbody wellbeing is an absolute necessity for every body before helping other people and growing their own business. People spend time working out but they don’t address their mental health. Having a consistent meditation or mindfulness practice is very important.

    IdeaMensch: What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business?

    Milena Regos: My network is really important to me. Forming relationships online, on social media is easy to do. Offline connections though are so much more important. I enjoy having a chance to connect with people and really listen to them, understand what they are all about, their perspectives, their lives. I can spend a lot of time talking with people and sometimes I limit myself because of a deadline or a project I’m working on. That’s always a mistake. True human connections take time to form and nurture and they can be a powerful business strategy.

    IdeaMensch: What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?

    Milena Regos: I had a hard time understanding where Millennials come from, their work ethic and how to get them engaged. I did a social media presentation on the comparison of Gen X and Millennials in the workplace and after doing all the research, I came to realize that I had to change myself in order to work with Millennials in the future.

    IdeaMensch: What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers?

    Milena Regos: Somebody needs to start a mindfulness practice in schools. Getting children exposed to mindfulness practice early on will allow them to deal with life better later.

    IdeaMensch: What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why?

    Milena Regos: Sending out a press release through a press release system. Spending $100 on a press release and reaching more people with the Unhustle trend.

    IdeaMensch: What is one piece of software or a web service that helps you be productive?

    Milena Regos: I use Buffer to schedule social media posts to different accounts. As much as I don’t like automating social media, having the ability to schedule to different platforms with a custom message and images saves a lot of time. Buffer also provides good analytics to see which posts are performing the best which can be useful. Every time I log into a social network I know I will get sucked into the social media scene so having a place where I can focus on just scheduling content is very helpful.

    IdeaMensch: What is the one book that you recommend our community should read and why?

    Milena Regos: “Niche Down” by Christopher Lochhead is a great book for entrepreneurs to read if they are trying to figure out how to be different in the market place and how to win. I also enjoyed reading “Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder” by Arianna Huffington on the importance of health and mental wellbeing and true priorities in life that define our happiness.

    IdeaMensch: What is your favorite quote?

    Milena Regos: “Do good, have fun and the money will come.” by Richard Branson.

    IdeaMensch Key Learnings from Milena Regos’s Interview:

    • Live more in your body and less in your head to tap into the wisdom of your body and your own intuition for better decision making.
    • Entrepreneurs and leaders can find time to unhustle to find out what makes them happy and keep their life and business moving forward.
    • Spend time without technology distractions to stay focused and productive and work in short bursts and invest in mindfulness and digital detox breaks or programs.
    • Mindbody wellbeing is an important aspect to every successful entrepreneur.
    • Everybody can use a coach to add accountability to their life and business.

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