Chances are that it is.
Here are some of the most common questions and concerns that I get from people when they first hear this new word Unhustle.
First, they say, “I love it”, followed by “I need to Unhustle.” Often times this involved a deep breath and a dreamy look on their face. If they have a team, their doubt factor immediately flags it.
Then they tense up and say:
Sounds great in theory, but I still need to make MONEY
The Unhustle mindset doesn’t mean you give up on making money. When you operate under the Unhustle philosophy, you end up making more money. I know it’s counter-intuitive. But it’s scientifically proven. Let me explain. When you feel better mentally and physically, when you eliminate all the nonessential activities from your life and work, when you avoid distractions and focus your energy on what matters most, you can create more impact by doing less and have more time to enjoy life.
It’s science-based and life-tested and I share how it works in my programs, speaking, podcast and my upcoming book.
I’m too BUSY to Unhustle
If you are too busy, stretched too thin and feel overwhelmed, then you definitely need to Unhustle. Your to-do list is only getting longer. Your hard work can only get you so far.
What got you to where you are, won’t get you to the next level.
We need to change the way we think, live, be, and work. We need to do things differently and redefine what success looks like.
Instead of working more hours, we can work less but be more focused and effective while making more time to just be, to wonder, to create, to relax, to read a book.
Being busy doesn’t mean you’re being productive or doing what’s important. Being busy is the opposite of what success looks like.
I like the high I get from the HUSTLE
Of course, you do. There’s a certain amount of accomplishment and adrenaline that comes with checking off to-do lists.
It feels good. It energizes you. It motivates you.
It affects your brain and body in positive ways.
When you redesign your leisure time, you’ll have something to do that energizes you outside of work so you feel less drawn to work for dopamine hits.
The right amount of hustle is healthy. Too much of it leads to overwhelm, burnout, lack of fulfillment and toxic addiction.
The real, sustainable high comes from the right balance of life, work and play, something I call LifeWorkPlay Design.
Do I have to QUIT/Retire?
Quitting is not a bad thing. You’re simply pivoting.
Unhustle may inspire you to shift directions and connect with something more meaningful and purposeful along the way, but it doesn’t mean you have to quit your job or retire and move to the beach to drink salty margaritas. You can learn to Unhustle while still keeping your 9 to 5 and doing the work that lights you up.
But if you want to join the millions of people in the Great Awakening who took control of their life, income and destiny, you can do that too and become an Unhustlepreneur – creating relaxed success and abundance in all aspects of your life.
Do I have to be TWENTY- or THIRTY-something?
No. A lot of twenty-somethings and Millennials are under the pressure of Hustle Culture, but they are not the only ones. I have worked with people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even 60s and 70s who are trapped in this limiting mindset and old constraints of working that limit their creativity and potential.
Most twenty and thirty-something want more fulfillment, balance and rich experiences now instead of waiting for one day. They want to work for a company that offers Human-Centered Work Culture not Hustle Culture. You want to live your full life while creating a business you love, instead of sacrificing your health, love and fun for work.
I get it. I was you.
Do I have to be a WHITE PRIVILEGED person?
Unhustle is not a privilege. It’s your birthright – if you’re human. I’m a first-generation female immigrant from Bulgaria. Unhustle is for human beings, not human doings.
Truth is, the people who hustle the most tend to be well-educated males with high household income. Most of the practices in this book are free to do and you already have everything in you to do them. Let me repeat this. You already have everything in you to Unhustle. I’m not selling anything with this book but a lifestyle, a mindset, a new way of living.
How do I know? I experienced the sacrifices of Hustle Culture, overworking, chasing a fake definition of success. Unhustle reverses this mindset and offers a counterintuitive but science-backed approach to how we live, work and play for more fun, flow and fulfillment.
It’s time to redefine success.
Can I do this with my TEAM?
Yes, it’s recommended that if you have a team, you do it together. Replace Hustle Culture with Human Culture and watch your people’s well-being, performance and fulfillment increase. You’ll lower your employee turnover, increase engagement and make your business stronger, by making it more HUMAN.
Unhustle is for people who want to reclaim their time, well-being and presence and create a rich life with riches. Fit your work into your good life and step into your full potential.
If you want to break through burnout and find your flow, Unhustle is for you.
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